Committed to maintaining strong bilateral relations with institutions, Kırşehir Ahi Evran University signed a cooperation protocol with the Kırşehir Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office under the Ministry of Justice. The signing ceremony took place on November 14, 2024, in the Meeting Hall of the Kırşehir Courthouse. Participants included Kırşehir Chief Public Prosecutor Oğuz Şükrü Ener, Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Ali Güneş and Prof. Dr. Musa Özata, Secretary-General Dr. Hüseyin İlter, and Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Selahattin Çınar.

The protocol aims to support the rehabilitation and reintegration of individuals under probation and former inmates into society by focusing on personal development to prevent recidivism. It includes planned efforts in areas deemed appropriate by both parties. These efforts aim to ensure that individuals benefit from rehabilitation activities and to prepare and implement supplementary and supportive development programs for probation officers. Additionally, the protocol encompasses activities such as identifying and addressing the risks and needs of probationers, providing individual and group counseling, structuring leisure activities, conducting guidance efforts, and facilitating participation in vocational courses and educational programs in collaboration with other institutions and NGOs.

The protocol covers a wide range of activities, including training and rehabilitation programs, initiatives for children, anti-addiction campaigns, joint projects and R&D activities, training for personnel, social and cultural activities, programs for protection boards, and public service work. As part of the agreement, the Faculty of Agriculture’s academic staff will provide inmates with courses on cultivating aromatic plants in designated areas.

İmza töreni sonrasında Kırşehir Cumhuriyet Başsavcısı Oğuz Şükrü Ener, Üniversitemiz Rektörü Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil ve beraberindekiler Kırşehir Açık Ceza Evinde faaliyet alanlarını gezerek incelemelerde bulundular.

Protokol hakkında değerlendirmelerde bulunan Üniversitemiz Rektörü Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil, imzalanan protokolün üniversitemizin sosyal sorumluluk çalışmaları açısından öneminde değinerek aynı zamanda hükümlülerin topluma uyumlarını kolaylaştırması konusunda da önemli olduğunu dile getirdi. Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi olarak protokol kapsamında üzerlerine düşen görevi yerine getireceklerini anlatan Rektör Karahocagil, iş birliği protokolünün her iki kurum için de hayırlı olmasını temenni etti.

Haber: Fatma Kaya
Fotoğraf: Özgür Türkyılmaz
Basın ve Halkla İlişkiler Müşavirliği