The Future of Healthcare Industry Workshop, chaired by Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil commenced. The workshop, held on October 11, 2024, at the Gebze Osman Hamdi Bey Cultural Center in Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, was attended by Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil, Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Çetin Ali Dönmez, Deputy of Kocaeli Prof. Dr. Sadettin Hülagü, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Assoc. Dr. Tahir Büyükakın, former Minister of Health Recep Akdağ, Kocaeli Governor İlhami Aktaş, university rectors, Gebze District Governor Mehmet Ali Özyiğit, Gebze Mayor Zinnur Büyükgöz, and representatives from organizations such as Cihannüma, Sağlık Sen, Öz Sağlık İş Union, SEİS, TÜMDEF, MÜSİAD, SADEFE, İVEK, TÜSEP, representatives of Health and Civilization, political party representatives, civil society representatives, relevant institution and organization officials, as well as many invitees.

The workshop, which had a high level of participation, began with opening speeches. In his speech, the Chairman of the Workshop and Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil, first addressed the genocide in Gaza and condemned Israel. Continuing his speech, Rector Karahocagil emphasized the need for change and expectations in the healthcare services sector, which has become one of the most important sectors both in our country and worldwide. He stated that countries without healthcare technology were left at the mercy of nations or even cartels that possess critical devices and equipment, vaccines, and biotechnological products. Highlighting that other countries realized this after the Covid-19 pandemic and made significant investments in the healthcare sector, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil added: "There has been an explosion of investments in the field of digital health technologies. The giant companies in the technology field have made significant investments in the healthcare sector, and with the innovative technologies they have developed and presented, they have started to fundamentally change the healthcare industry. Our task, just like in our defense industry, is to be a country that leads the developments and sets the game rather than falling behind." He noted that they wanted to review this situation and evaluate it for the future under the theme "Life, the World, and the Healthcare Sector Are Changing, What About Us?" as part of discussing the future of the healthcare industry in our country. Expressing optimism as universities for the future of the healthcare industry and acknowledging the state's support for young people's R&D efforts, Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil added: "I hope this workshop will lead to the necessary steps being taken for the future of our healthcare industry." Providing details about the workshop, Rector Karahocagil explained that during the first day of the two-day workshop, developments in the healthcare sector would be evaluated, and stakeholders' future visions and expectations would be discussed. On the second day, the problems of the sector and solutions would be addressed with all stakeholders. He concluded his speech by thanking everyone involved in organizing the workshop and expressing hope for its success.

Following the speech by Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil, greeting speeches were delivered by the President of Cihannüma Association Rıza Yorulmaz, Rector of Kocaeli University Prof. Dr. Nuh Zafer Cantürk, former Minister of Health Prof. Dr. Recep Akdağ, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Assoc. Dr. Tahir Büyükakın, Kocaeli Deouty Prof. Dr. Sadettin Hülagü, Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Çetin Ali Dönmez, and Kocaeli Governor İlhami Aktaş. After the opening speeches, participants took a commemorative photo.

Next, the opening panel was held, moderated by former Deputy Chairman of SGK, Op. Dr. Orhan Koç, with panelists Öz Sağlık – İŞ Union President Devlet Sert, Sağlık – Sen President Mahmut Faruk Doğan, TOBB Turkiye Medical Assembly President Levent Mete Özgürbüz, and DMO General Manager Şinasi Candan.

During the first day of the two-day workshop, discussions were held on the topics of "Developments in the Pharmaceutical Sector, Their Reflections on Our Sector, and Our Future Vision" and "Technological Developments Affecting Our Medical Device Sector." On the second day of the workshop, discussions on "Our Future Vision and General Session - Presentation of the Workshop Groups' Final Reports" will take place. At the workshop, the future of the pharmaceutical and medical device sectors will be discussed at eight separate tables, and a report will be prepared on the topics discussed at the end of the workshop.

Haber: Fatma Kaya
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