KAEU has begun implementing the Social Transcript Application to recognize and systematically record the students' achievements during their studies, gained through participation in scientific, cultural, artistic, social, community, and sports activities organized by university units or other institutions.

The Social Transcript, which will be issued independently of the Academic Transcript, aims to contribute to the development of students as individuals who respect universal and human values, are sensitive to social issues, responsible, protective of national values, entrepreneurial, intellectual, value physical and mental health, prioritize sustainability and scientific development, and uphold ethical and aesthetic values. It also seeks to raise awareness of personal growth among students.

Through the Social Transcript Application, students will be recognized and awarded titles such as "Social Ambassador," "Social Leader," and "Social Ahi" based on their performances. These titles will improve their visibility, enabling them to better demonstrate their academic achievements and their social and entrepreneurial skills in domestic and international job applications.

The Social Transcript Application, prepared by the Social Transcript Development Committee under the Social Contribution Coordination, will be open to all associate and undergraduate students starting from the 2024-2025 academic year.

Regarding the Social Transcript Application, Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil emphasized that Kırşehir Ahi Evran University focuses not only on the academic success of its students but also on their social activities. He noted that the Social Transcript Application will evaluate the artistic, sports, cultural, and social activities that students actively participate in during their education. As a result of these evaluations, students will graduate as socially conscious individuals who are aware of their values.