A cooperation protocol was signed between Kırşehir Ahi Evran University and the Ministry of Family and Social Services' General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly for the 60+ Refreshment University Project. The signing ceremony occurred on August 15, 2024, at the rectorate office.

The protocol aims to initiate and develop activities under the 60+ Refreshment University Project, which will operate within Kırşehir Ahi Evran University. The project seeks to support the active participation of elderly individuals in social life, enabling them to reintegrate into society, regain their social status and roles, and effectively use their leisure time. This initiative is part of the broader goal of strengthening the nation's human resources by ensuring that elderly individuals have access to inclusive and quality education throughout their lives.

Speaking about the signed protocol, the Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil stated that the terms of the protocol would remain in effect for 10 years. He also mentioned that the university would fulfill the requests from the General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly regarding scientific, academic, research, and consultancy services on elderly health, welfare, and care. Rector Karahocagil emphasized that the protocol would help elderly people who have become isolated to socialize again, acquire new skills, and meet new people. He added that Kırşehir Ahi Evran University is open to everyone, from age 7 to 70, and that the Refreshment University is a positive development for the country and its citizens.