Our university took another significant step in enhancing quality in higher education by obtaining a 5-year Accreditation Certificate from the Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC) in 2022. In this context, the interim evaluation process conducted on July 18-19, 2024, was successfully completed.

The THEQC Evaluation Team conducted a thorough review of our university's quality processes during their two-day site visit. The evaluation team included Prof. Dr. Macid Fikret Suner (Team Leader), Prof. Dr. Erdoğan Çiçek (Academic Evaluator), Prof. Dr. Süleyman Doğan (Academic Evaluator), Department Head H. Kübra Akçam (Administrative Evaluator), and Nur Melis Kılıç (Student Evaluator).

On July 18, 2024 (Thursday), the evaluation team’s program began with a meeting with the Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil. The program continued with meetings involving the Institutional Quality Commission members, Senate and Administrative Board members, academic administrators, and academic staff from various departments. Additionally, discussions were held with various institutional stakeholders.

On July 19, 2024 (Friday), the evaluation team conducted focus group meetings with administrative unit managers, administrative staff, directors of application and research centers, students, and department heads. The program concluded with a second meeting between the evaluation team and Rectorof KAEU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil.

At the start of the evaluation, Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil, stated in his meeting with the Evaluation Team:

"Our university is committed to adopting a student-centered approach with high-quality education and research activities. The accreditation certificate awarded by THEQC is a testament to this commitment. Today, through this mid-term evaluation process, we reaffirm our commitment to maintaining and enhancing our institution's high-quality standards. I would like to thank all our academic and administrative staff, students, and stakeholders for their dedication and contributions throughout this process."

As a result of this evaluation process, our university aims to take another significant step towards increasing quality in education and management, further advancing its achievements in higher education.