As part of the July 15 events, a panel titled "A Look at July 15 from the Perspective of National Unity and Solidarity" was held at the Ahi Evran Congress and Culture Center at KAEU. The panel was moderated by Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kavas, with speakers Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Nafiz Ünalmış and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Maruf. The panel discussed the July 15 coup attempt and coups in general from the perspectives of history, sociology, and law.

In his opening speech, moderator Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kavas outlined the history of coups and identified how these coups were supported by both domestic and foreign forces that sought to undermine the will of the nation. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Maruf then spoke about how coups using street incidents as pretexts led to instability, the bureaucratic oligarchic environment of the February 28 post-modern coup, and how these events paved the way for the July 15 process, leading the country into a cycle of coups. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Nafiz Ünalmış assessed coups from an international political perspective, stating that countries, where color revolutions occurred, lost their dominance. The panel concluded with the presentation of participation certificates to the panelists and a commemoration of the martyrs and veterans.

The panel was attended by Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil, Deputy Governor İsmail Çetinkaya, Deputy Gendarmerie Commander Colonel Nadir Demirhan, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Ali Güneş and Prof. Dr. Musa Özata, along with numerous academics and administrative staff.