KAEU and Kırşehir Province Directorate of Security have Signed the  Cooperation Protocol of Zero Digital Waste. Kırşehir Governor H. Mete Buhara, Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil, and Provincial Police Chief Erdoğan Kartal attended the signing ceremony took place at the Governorship on July 2, 2024.

With the signed protocol, the Digital Zero Waste Project aims to contribute to a resource and waste management approach based on circularity, promote sustainable production and consumption habits, support the efficient use of resources, prevent waste and minimize its reduction, reuse, and recycling in digital technologies. The project also seeks to recycle digital and electronic materials within institutions, thereby preventing waste and reintegrating discarded products into the economic cycle. Additionally, a Digital Zero Waste Application Laboratory will be established within our university, allowing stakeholders to share their practical experience and theoretical knowledge reciprocally. Academic staff from KAEU Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Art and Sciences, and the Provincial Directorate of Security will share their knowledge, expertise, and experience with future engineers and students in relevant departments. Furthermore, the efforts of Provincial Directorate of Security in this area will be academically supported.

In a statement about the protocol, which is valid for two years, Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil noted that the protocol would help avoid waste in the field of digital technology at our university and ensure more efficient use of resources. Wishing the "Digital Zero Waste" protocol to be beneficial for our city and university, Rector Karahocagil emphasized that Kırşehir Ahi Evran University would continue its collaborations with its stakeholders.