The results of the 2024 Impact Rankings by Times Higher Education (THE), one of the world's most prestigious university ranking organizations, have been announced. Kırşehir Ahi Evran University (KAEÜ) has achieved significant success in the THE 2024 Impact Rankings, which take into account the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals and institutional data.

As part of the creation of the 2024 General Impact Rankings by THE, 2,152 universities from 125 countries were evaluated. As a result of these evaluations, Kırşehir Ahi Evran University (KAEÜ) achieved significant success in the overall rankings, as well as in categories such as quality education, zero hunger, no poverty, clean water and sanitation, terrestrial life, and accessible and clean energy. In the category of quality education, our university ranked in the 301-400 band globally and in the top 8 in Turkiye, while in the category of zero hunger, it ranked in the 101-200 band globally. Recognized for its inclusive impacts on various dimensions of sustainable development and its significant contributions to creating a sustainable and resilient future, Kırşehir Ahi Evran University ranked in the 401-600 band globally in categories such as no poverty, accessible and clean energy, clean water and sanitation, and terrestrial life. Additionally, in the terrestrial life category, our university ranked in the top 30 in Turkey.

Commenting on the matter, Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil emphasized the importance of this international success for our university, stating that our university was involved in efforts necessary for sustainable living. Rector Karahocagil expressed that they would continue to strive for a more sustainable future and would participate in any endeavor that benefited humanity and society.