Kırşehir Ahi Evran University, which values ​​the academic development of its students, is getting prepared to bid farewell to the graduates of the 2023-2024 Academic Year. Thousands of our students who have completed their education at our university will celebrate their graduation by tossing their caps into the sky on June 29, 2024. The graduation ceremony, which will be held at the Kırşehir Ahi Evran University stadium, will be celebrated in a magnificent ceremony with the attendance of our students' families. Our graduation program will begin with a procession, followed by folk dance performances, awarding of diplomas to the top graduates, the recital of the Ahilik Oath, flag-handover ceremony, tossing of caps, and concluding with a concert. The ceremony will commence at 17:00 on June 29, 2024, and families of our students as well as the citizens of Kırşehir are invited to attend.

Our Faculties Continue to Celebrate their Unit-Based Graduations

In addition to the general graduation program at Kırşehir Ahi Evran University, unit-based graduations organized by faculties are also being celebrated. Last week, the graduation programs prepared by the Nursing and Child Development Departments of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Çiçekdağı Vocational School were celebrated with great enthusiasm. The faculties that will also hold unit-based graduation celebrations are as follows:

On June 7, 2024, Mucur Vocational School,

On June 7, 2024, Kaman School of Applied Sciences,

On June 13, 2024, Neşet Ertaş Faculty of Fine Arts,

On June 28, 2024, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,

On June 28, 2024, Faculty of Medicine,

On June 29, 2024, School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation,

On June 29, 2024, Midwifery Department, Faculty of Health Sciences 

On June 29, 2024, Faculty of Arts and Science,

On June 29, 2024, Vocational School of Health Services  yer alıyor.

The graduation programs will continue to be celebrated magnificently with the participation of families.