Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi organized the Commemoration Symposium of Prof. Dr. Erol Güngör with cooperation of Anadolu Eğitim Kültür ve Bilim Foundation and Ahi Television at 28 February 2024. The world of thought of Erol Güngör, one of the significant names of Turkish culture and civilization, was discussed at the symposium. Rector of KAEÜ Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil stated the value of the symposium and mentioned the effect of Güngör's world of thought on our life, his intellectualism, and his historical mission. Rector Karahocagil commemorated Prof. Dr. Erol Güngör and reminded people of the importance of handing down his ideas to the next generations.

Erol Güngör's Understanding of Civilization was Discussed

At the first session, Erol Güngör's understanding of civilization was discussed. Doç. Dr. Maksut Yiğitbaş
moderated the session and the following speeches were given; "İslam'ın Bugünkü Meseleleri Kitabı Bağlamında Din Meselemiz" by Prof. Dr. Hilmi Demir, "Ne Nefret Ne Hayranlık, Milli Kültürle Değişim" by Prof. Dr. Özcan Güngör, and "Erol Güngör Sosyolojisinde Medeniyet İnşası ve İnsan" by Dr. Levent Taş. So, the contribution of Erol Güngör’s understanding of civilization to the Turkish world was elaborated. 

Intellectual Güngör’s Ideas are still up-to-date

At the second session, Erol Güngör's world of thought was discussed.   Prof. Dr. Refik Balay moderated the session and the following speeches were made; "Türk Kültürü ve Erol Güngör" by Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Öztürk and  "Çok Yönlü Bir Aydın Olarak Erol Güngör" by Dr. Yunus Şahbaz. It was stated that Güngör was an intellectual who contributed to the understanding of Turkish culture and civilization, and his ideas were still up-to-date and effective.  Erol Güngör's works and ideas that enlightened the Turkish culture and civilization were discussed in detail. After the participants shared their ideas on Erol Güngör, the symposium ended.