On December 12, 2023, Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil visited  Kırşehir Provincial Health Director Dr. Ertan Değirmencioğlu, Kırşehir Provincial Director of Youth and Sports Numan Nafiz Şahin, Kırşehir Provincial Director of Disaster and Emergency Management Ömer Bozkurt, and Kırşehir Provincial Director of National Education Yusuf Yasin Gülşen at their offices.

The visit on December 12, 2023, included discussions on collaboration and coordination between the University and the city in terms of education, social, and cultural activities. Kırşehir Provincial Health Director Dr. Ertan Değirmencioğlu, Kırşehir Provincial Director of Youth and Sports Numan Nafiz Şahin, Kırşehir Provincial Director of Disaster and Emergency Management Ömer Bozkurt, and Kırşehir Provincial Director of National Education Yusuf Yasin Gülşen expressed their gratitude to Rector of KAEU Karahocagil for the visit. Rector Karahocagil, in return, shared his satisfaction, stating that coming together with institutions filled him with hope for the integration of the university and the city.