Classroom Teaching Program of Basic Education Department of KAEU Faculty of Education was accredited for 3+2 years by the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs (EPDAD) within the scope of Program Accreditation. On the official page of the Educational Programs Evaluation and Accreditation Association on 28.04.2023, it was announced that Classroom Teaching Program of KAEU was included in the list of accredited programs. Accordingly, Classroom Teaching Undergraduate Program of KAEU Basic Education Department, which is among the accredited programs in the 2022-2023 Evaluation period, was accredited between 01.05.2023 - 01.05.2026. Thus, Classroom Teaching Undergraduate Program of the Basic Education Department became the first accredited undergraduate program of the KAEU Faculty of Education.

On 25.03.2022, the application made to the "Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs (EPDAD)" for the accreditation of the Basic Education Department Classroom Education Undergraduate Program in the 2022-2023 evaluation period was accepted by the EPDAD Board of Directors. In this process, the "Classroom Teaching Accreditation Coordination Unit", which was established on 25.01.2022 in the Faculty of Education, started to work on the issue. During the process, the Faculty Accreditation Commission carried out the preparatory work. After the self-evaluation report was prepared and sent to EPDAD, an online field visit was started by the EPDAD Visiting Team on 10.03.2023. On 23.03.2023, a face-to-face field visit was made by the EPDAD visiting team. During the two-day field visit, different units of KAEU Faculty and University were visited. After the exit notification, the EPDAD visiting team left the Faculty of Education. The accreditation process was completed after corrections were made to the final report.