KAEU and Kırşehir Organized Industrial Zone representatives came together to provide internship opportunities for foreign students and to employ trained manpower with the aim of strengthening university-industry cooperation. Vice-Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt, Chairman of the Board of Kırşehir Organized Industrial Zone Süleyman Eraslan, Dean of FEAS Prof. Dr. Nur Çetin, and foreign students attended the meeting held on January 5, 2023.

At the meeting, Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt emphasized that university-industry cooperation was essential for our country's economy and said, “Our university is in an effort to produce projects that will add value to our country. However, we need to cooperate with our industry and industrialists in order for the scientific knowledge produced in our university to be commercialized and to take place as value in the country's economy. Thus, the value we attach to science and R&D will be apparent through student internships and employment.”

After the meeting, which was held to provide internships and employment opportunities for international students, the importance of sustainability of university-industry cooperation was emphasized. The meeting ended after the Chairman of the Board of Kırşehir Organized Industrial Zone Süleyman Eraslan said that they would undertake greater works and collaborations in the coming days within the scope of university-industry cooperation.