The 12th National Agriculture Student Congress, which has been held since 2011 in order to bring together the students studying in the Faculties of Agriculture in Turkiye and exchange information both socially and academically, was hosted by the KAEU Faculty of Agriculture. The theme of the National Agriculture Student Congress, which is planned every year in cooperation with the Institute of Economic Development and Social Research (İKSAD) and the Faculties of Agriculture and organized on different themes, was determined as "Green Transformation in Agriculture". Deputy-Governor İsmail Çetinkaya, Mayor Selahattin Ekicioğlu, Vice-Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Ahmet Gökbel, President of İKSAD Dr. Mustafa Latif Emek, the city managers, institution managers, deans, principals, academic and administrative staff, and students attended the opening ceremony of the 12th National Agricultural Student Congress held at the Ahi Evran Congress and Culture Center, 15 July Milli İrade Hall, between 20 – 22 May 2022.

Kutalmış: “As Agricultural Engineers, We will Do our Share”

Alperen Kutalmış, President of the Agricultural Activities Community of KAEU, made the opening speech of the 12th National Agricultural Student Congress and drew attention to the importance of agriculture in our country and in the world. Kutalmış explained that the agricultural sector in our country had had an indispensable place in the economic and social development of our country since the establishment of the Republic for many reasons such as feeding the population of the country, contributing to the national income and employment, meeting the raw material needs of the industrial sector, transferring capital to the industry, contributing directly and indirectly to exports. Kutalmış continued his speech as follows: “The fact that the agricultural sector, which has such an important place in all countries of the world, cannot meet the nutritional and other needs of the increasing population in the future due to the decreasing agricultural lands will create a major problem. As agricultural engineers of the future, we will increase the yield per unit area, use new technologies in agriculture, raise awareness of producers to prevent unconscious chemical use, expand environmentally friendly biological control, fertilize in line with the needs of the soil and plant, which is the basic element of agriculture and expand soilless agriculture. We will play an important role in the development of the country's agriculture by finding solutions to the problems of the producers.” Stating that they are pleased to host the 12th National Agricultural Student Congress, Alperen Kutalmış thanked everyone who contributed to the organization of the congress, wishing it to be fruitful.

Emek: “Turkiye Should Decrease Foreign Dependency by Supporting Agricultural Production”

After the speech of Alperen Kutalmış, Head of Agricultural Activities Community of KAEU, IKSAD President Dr. Mustafa Latif Emek took the floor. In his speech, Dr. Emek gave detailed information about the congress and said that agriculture has existed with the existence of humanity. Emphasizing that agricultural production has been carried out since the early ages, Dr. Mustafa Latif Emek explained that there have been famines and wars due to natural reasons in the agricultural field from past ages to the present and that agricultural production should be given special importance in order not to experience the same problems again. Emek said that during the Industrial Revolution, there were migrations from villages to cities and this situation caused a decrease in agricultural production, and said, "Turkiye should decrease foreign dependency by supporting agricultural production." said. Noting that there is more to be discussed about agricultural policies, Dr. Mustafa Latif Emek wished the 12th National Agriculture Student Congress to be fruitful.

Kazankaya: “Agricultural Production is Crucial for the Continuation of Humanity”

After the speech of İKSAD President Dr. Mustafa Latif Emek, Dean of KAEU Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kazankaya took the floor and made a speech. In his speech, Kazankaya gave information about the aims of the National Agriculture Student Congress and explained that agriculture is crucial for the continuation of humanity and that efforts should be made to increase agricultural production and diversity. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kazankaya, who also talked about the Pilot University Projects of KAEU in the field of agriculture, stated that they made significant contributions to the economy of the region and the country with the pilot university projects. Stating that he was pleased to host the 12th National Agriculture Student Congress, Kazankaya wished the congress to be fruitful.

Gökbel: “Now, More Importance Should Be Given to Agricultural Production”

After the speech of the Dean of KAEU Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kazankaya, Vice-REctor of KAEU Prof. Dr. Ahmet Gökbel also made a speech. In his speech, Gökbel emphasized that the Covid-19 epidemic, which has affected the whole world in recent years, has also had negative effects on agricultural production and the field of food, and he said "Agricultural production should be given more importance now." Emphasizing that the students who graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture should always be in the field, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Gökbel stated that he was happy to host the congress and wished the Congress to be successful.

Ekicioğlu: “We Should Support Our Farmers by Increasing Agricultural Activities in order to Decrease Foreign Dependency in Agriculture”

After the speech of Vice-Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Ahmet Gökbel, Mayor of Kırşehir Selahattin Ekicioğlu took the floor. In his speech, Ekicioğlu stated that Turkish agriculture should be given more importance and important steps should be taken in agricultural policies, and said, "We should support our farmers by increasing agricultural activities in order to reduce the country's dependence on foreign agriculture." Mayor Selahattin Ekicioğlu, who expressed his satisfaction that the 12th National Agricultural Student Congress is being held in Kırşehir, wished the congress to be productive.

Çetinkaya: “I Believe that Turkiye will Move Forward in Every Field with the Quality Assurance in Education Developed by Kırşehir Ahi Evran University”

After the speech of Mayor of Kırşehir Selahattin Ekicioğlu, Kırşehir Deputy-Governor İsmail Çetinkaya made a speech. In his speech, Çetinkaya stated that Turkey is a country with arable fields and noted that agricultural activities are important for our country. Emphasizing that agriculture and farmers should be supported by the state, Deputy-Governor İsmail Çetinkaya stated that the support of the Faculties of Agriculture is important in this regard. Explaining that Kırşehir Ahi Evran University has developed an education policy that provides quality assurance in education, Çetinkaya said that he believes that agricultural engineers who are trained with that understanding of education will carry our country forward in agriculture.

After the opening speeches, a plaque was given to the participants by Deputy-Governor İsmail Çetinkaya. After the plaque ceremony, academic sessions were held at the congress. The 12th National Agriculture Student Congress on the theme of "Green Transformation in Agriculture" will continue until May 22, 2022.