Turkey Top 10.000 Scientists "AD Scientific Index 2022 Version 1" study, prepared by the international scientific research organization AD Scientific Index according to Google Academic open profiles, and ranking academics who have excelled in 256 science fields, has been published. 50 academicians from Kırşehir Ahi Evran University took place in the list of the most cited scientists in Turkey.

AD Scientific Index data, which is a study that evaluates the productivity coefficient and universities in branches, based on scientists' data such as H index, i10 index, citation count, has been published. The study includes the first 10 thousand academics with the highest H index and the most cited universities and institutions in Turkey, which are included in the list of 712 thousand academicians from 212 countries and 14 thousand 110 universities. Kırşehir Ahi Evran University achieved a significant success with its 50 academicians who were included in the list of the top 10 thousand scientists with the highest h-index value and the most cited at universities in Turkey.

As a University, we will continue to produce quality and useful information for society

Evaluating the list, Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Vatan Karakaya said, “As we all know, one of the parameters that shows the quality in academia is the H index. 50 scientists from KAEU took place in the list of 10 thousand most cited academicians in Turkey published by AD Scientific Index. I would like to thank our faculty members who contributed to this success with their productivity. As a university, we will continue to produce quality and useful information for the society.”