KAEU is hosting the "Ahiler Diyarı Bilimle Şenleniyor" Science Festival in order to bring young people together with scientific methods, to direct them to investigation and research, and to raise them as individuals who can relate science to real life, think and question. Kırşehir Governor İbrahim Akın, Mayor of Kırşehir Selahattin Ekicioğlu, Rector of KAEU  Prof. Dr. Vatan Karakaya, Kırşehir Provincial Director of National Education Metin Alpaslan, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt, Technology Transfer Office Manager Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Kurban, academicians and students from all levels attended the opening ceremony of the science festival, which will be held by the Technology Transfer Office of the university within the scope of TÜBİTAK-4007 Science Festival Support Programs, between September 30 and October 1 in the Foyer Area of Ahi Evran Congress and Culture Center, and on October 2 at the Neşet Ertaş Culture and Art Center.

Thanks to the "’Ahiler Diyarı Bilimle Şenleniyor" Science Festival, it is aimed to convey the interaction between science and technology in an entertaining way and to raise awareness of science and technology especially among the associate, undergraduate and graduate students of the university, as well as kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, high school students, teachers, and different segments of the society, through activities and workshops.

 Such a Comprehensive Science Festival Is Held for the First Time in Kırşehir

Technology Transfer Office Manager Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Kurban, who made the opening speech, said that their purpose is to spread the culture of science and communication to wider segments of the society. Kurban added that with the motto "Ahiler Diyarı Bilimle Şenleniyor", for the first time in Kırşehir, such a comprehensive science festival will be held with 49 different events i.e., science, technology, sports and art activities.

Rector Karakaya: “Our Purpose is to Make the Science Festival Traditional in Kırşehir”

Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Vatan Karakaya who stated that what makes human beings different is the ability of think and produce while thinking, noted that the most competent part of this production is science and technology. Karakaya said that at the science festival, they will talk and discuss science at all levels, from kindergarten to university, and they will work hard to related it to the real life. Rector Karakaya, who thanked everyone who took part in and supported the project, emphasized that his wishes are to make the science festival traditional in Kırşehir.

Mayor Ekicioğlu: "My Wish from the Young People to Bring New Customs, Inventions"

Mayor of Kırşehir Selahattin Ekicioğlu, who expressed that young people are the guarantee of their future, stated that in the past, they were advised to "don't bring new customs to the old village (you can't put new wine into an old wineskin)” and "don't invent", and that his request from the young people was to bring new customs and make inventions. After pointing out that technology has a direct effect on the income level of countries, Ekicioğlu stated that it is necessary to look for ways to move forward in science and said that he trusts the youth at this point.

Governor Akın: “Culture of Science Will Improve in Society Thanks to Such Science Activities”

Kırşehir Governor İbrahim Akın stated in his speeach that there is no area in life that science does not reach or affect and pointed out that science makes life easier in every aspect, from communication to health or from education to industry. Governor Akın asked young people to use knowledge, give science the value it deserves, and be more productive. He pointed out that he believes that such science activities will encourage young people who are interested in science and technology to produce value-added products, Akın stated that so that, the culture of science will become widespread in the society.

After the opening speeches, Kırşehir Governor İbrahim Akın, Kırşehir Mayor Selahattin Ekicioğlu, Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Vatan Karakaya and Provincial Director of National Education Metin Alpaslan visited 49 different events prepared within the scope of the "Ahiler Diyarı Bilimle Şenleniyor" Science Festival in the Foyer Area of the Ahi Evran Congress and Culture Center, and expert educators and students gave detailed information about the activities.

After the departure of Kırşehir Governor İbrahim Akın, Kırşehir Mayor Selahattin Ekicioğlu and Provincial Director of National Education Metin Alpaslan, Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Vatan Karakaya continued with "Science Conversation" with young people. The “Ahiler Diyarı Bilimle Şenleniyor” Science Festival, which can be visited in the Foyer Area of ​​Ahi Evran Congress and Culture Center between September 30 and October 1, will be opened to the visit of science lovers on October 2 at the Neşet Ertaş Culture and Art Center.

5G Communication Systems and Microstrip Antennas, Natural Antimicrobials Against Bacteria, I Make Natural Kinetic Sand, Nature's Laboratory Soil and Worms, Communicate with Arduino Not with Smoke, Halal Jelly from Waste Fish, I Control Electric Motor, Visible DNA, I Design My Hydraulics Bridge and Crane, Robotics Workshop, Liquid Nitrogen Demonstrations and Science Not Magic: Transformation of Colors were among 49 activities from  the fields of science, technology, sports and art, which students showed great interest.