Our University Rector Prof. Dr. Vatan Karakaya was the guest of the program called Education Atlas, which was broadcast on Akit TV screens because of the university preference period. The program, which was broadcast on 6 August 2021 in order to inform university candidates, met with the audience live. In the program, Rector Karakaya, who made explanations about the possible questions of the university candidates; gave information about the projects they are working on as well as the physical and academic situation of our university.

Rector Karakaya: “Our  Endless Project, Our  People

Rector Karakaya, who stated that they have undertaken very important projects in order to raise people since the day they took office, stated that they aim to develop and improve Kırşehir in the light of Ahi-order values. Also, as a person devoted to education, Rector Prof. Dr. Karakaya underlined that the thing that makes a human-being a person is education and also he emphasized that their everlasting projects are people. Karakaya, who stated that the Ahi community is embedded in our cultural codes, pointed out that it would be incomplete to consider the Ahi community as a mere tradesman movement. Rector Karakaya said that the main purpose of these values is to form a model of raising quality people; he expressed that looking after one’s rights and being fair is the basis of AkhismSaying that adults should be guides to young people, Karakaya stated that it is their duty to introduce young people to these values and incorporate the Anatolian spirit into the social world. Underlining the need to raise people who do not imitate what foreign cultures produce with the spirit of the time, but who create original works with an inspiration arising from their essence, Rector Prof. Dr. Vatan Karakaya stated that this is what they aim to achieve at Kırşehir Ahi Evran University. Rector Karakaya stated that students who will choose our university will be welcomed with a second home here and added that they devote all their time to the young people for them to be the well-educated and right people.

You can watch the full program from the link below: